Shipping drugs internationally (no NA)

My advice would be put it in something like an air compressor and ship the air compressor by sea freight to save some money on the shipping, will take like 2-3 weeks to get there

Getting 50% of your weed through European customs is pretty good so at best you’re looking at like a 50/50 of it getting seized

yeah im thinking its gotta be some Columbian cocaine shipping shit.

I was thinking send soemthign with that popcorn package shit and just mix some weed buds in with the popcorn styraphoam lol

dogs will smell it and it will ruin the weed

you need to bare minimum vacuum seal it then put it in a box and use that spray on foam shit to fill the box up with and tape everything up all nice and tidy

or put it inside something like an air compressor like i said but you still need to vacuum seal it

yeah i watched some vids they talked about that. Also taking old camera film and wrapping the packages with it helps with xrays.

I went and asked a bunch of blacks who stand outside an illeagal potshop in my city and steal customers from it how to do it. One dude got scared nah we nah kno here. Closed his trunk and zoomed off in his new benz lololol

Spray on foam shit?

when does natural selection kick in

plasma must come from rich family

no but thekid that made the offer is rich af in poland

he's a hero to quail farmers everywhere

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You’re not worried about the X-rays because it’s an organic material and it won’t show up on X-rays anyways

But a big ass black box showing in the package because your wrapped it in film and it can’t see through the package is going to attract a lot of attention and they will open your package up

I basically told you how to do it

If you’re only doing a lb you can probably air freight it just vacuum seal it put it in a box and spray foam the fuck out of it and just ship it, and make the guy pay first for it and tell him if it gets seized it’s not on you because it’s like a 50/50 at best if it gets seized even if you do everything correct

This shit literally

is it really this tough to buy pot in poland in 2023?

The European market is insane you would be surprised, lbs in England that are like 1400 out here go for like 4800 there

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For Poland I imagine it’s even more

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damn that's crazy. friendly afghans would just hand out bricks of hash to us as gifts