Site design

i changed it. also good idea, i forgot to set up permalinks so i did a little now.

if you go to it takes you right to mafia, ill set it up so /current takes you to the current game running once the game thread is up.

Fucked up mobile a little, my bad. I changes Test dark to test old and I’m working on making it like old nadota since I found some assets from an archived page. Still gonna take a while to be good!

moved dota and mafia out of the games category so i could make subcategories for them in the future and that people may be more inclined to post in them.

did a little on bigger avatars, the clowny version can be seen in test old

■■■ fix the line being weird between post plz.

No it’s cool.

Hiws that not bother yoh

i prefer my nadota ugly and poorly optimized

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I actually prefer it that way.

you need pagination and post numbers before you start a mafia game

im personally not a fan of the scroll bar thing but im just me

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You can enable those in the settings

sorry not gonna do it

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i think this is a lie actually

I just checked and its not there.

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Mobile is broken again. Every click registers about 200 px higher than where you clicked it. I don’t have this problem in any other tabs or any other apps.

This is true. Scrolling back to a post in a long thread is a huge pain in the ass on mobile without pagination.

This problem is incredibly inconsistent and only happens when the reply box is open

I have this issue sometimes too but I’m not sure if we’re the cause. I think the newest version of discourse brought about this reply tab thing that I think is being buggy

It seems to happen most frequently when you open a reply in a thread and go to a different one or hide the reply window.

Obvious solution here but just reload the page if you have the issue it’ll fix it without getting rid of your reply

Reloading the page doesn’t fix it half the time. I have to go to switch to desktop and post the reply that broke it then switch back

Huh, it works for me. Uhh

I really can’t find much to do with that when I look it up. What could be causing it?

Also have you wiped the mobile browser just to make sure it isn’t some stupid cache issue

Also post count can be done pretty easily I think, but it looks like pagination isn’t very doable when Jeff Atwood is out there calling for the end of pagination