Because if people want to cheat there’s better options than shitty emojis.

He cheats with nyte

“You would know”

I do.

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So you’re fine with Nmagane cheating because he does it to grief rather than to win?

I mean y’all are gunna think this if you believe nmagane is pleasant to me. I’m assuming you don’t understand he’s mocking me when he’s addressing me directly or indirectly.

That’s kind of funny to hear, actually


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I’m not mocking you.

And cheating to grief is 10 times worse than cheating to win. If he only cheated to win, the games would’ve probably been a lot more tolerable

Where’s jones?

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I mean are you asking me if I’m fine with friend afking and being noncommittal/low effort every time he rolls scum because he’s not good at it and doesn’t enjoy it? Yeah I’m “fine” with that.

Like I’m “fine” with ewiz being an absolute fuckwad tyrant asshole player in games, but NOT fine with him being one as a host.

“Fine” with iaafr self combustion AND mass spamming of days and creating bet environments and doing other such (unintentional?) game ruining shit.

“Fine” with agubar making plays and letting town go up in flames for it then try to claim some high road high skill bigger picture knowledge when he’s lynched and town loses SOUNDLY as a direct result even though I fucking solved that game.

Yeah dude it’s just games.

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Shut the fuck up you fucking moron. I made it very clear that you would be zeused immediately for posting after EoD, no exceptions. Just because you ■■■■■■■ can't follow rules and I actually enforce them doesn't make me a tyrant

I disagree with your assessment on everyone except Friend. Iaafr, Ewiz and to a lesser extent Agubar are all OK players, they may make some questionable plays (in your opinion), but that’s to be expected and should be tolerated even if you don’t agree with their plays. It’s baffling that you prefer playing with someone that’s cheating and griefing over someone that just has a playstyle you don’t mesh with.

Making this a rule because it has been a huge problem in recent games, then actually enforcing it is being a tyrannical host :rolleyes:

Does the bot auto declare hammer?

No, but I declared day over. People should be able to see when hammer is with the bot

I know but sometimes it could still go unnoticed for a few posts.

Not really. People are always talking about it preemptively. How many till hammer this will be hammer etc

It’s laughable that you still come back to this like it’s your only grip on reality. I was expecting you to Zeus me you fucking blind piece of shit. Get the FUCK over yourself.