I don't want a person with "tattoos" to ever be smiling at me. These people should be so anti-social that they don't instinctively smile when encountering other people. And that might be just a Southern thing, but I don't want to someone who visually assaults me with this abrupt, societal transgression of a having tattoo to ever interact with me where I have to be cordial.
Moreover, women show much more skin than men: all of this ornate, tiny line based shit looks so bad from afar. You look like you're dirty. When is anyone supposed to see the intricate line work of your tattoo? When you're getting fucked by some random like a prostitute? LMAO
Hitting that copium hard like imagining gay people didnt exist before 2010
Lesbians: palatable they just need good dick to be saved
Gays: wow could never happen it's imaginary
What are those black lines that are incredibly jarring to look at from more than 10ft away and that attract all of my attention? Oh it's some artistic rose: shame it looks like you've got a massive bruise at best, just dirt and shit all over you at worst, from this distance.
Perhaps a pixelated, fractal, at-all-ranges pattern similar to something like MARPAT would be workable as a tattoo.
urban ddpat would go better on skin
There's likely an element of degree inflation here: these people should be doing what I'm doing but the state subsidizes their employment through a credential system and ensures them "white-collar" adjacent work. Physically, Intellectually, and Spiritually they're low worth animals but USG has been able to inflate them to receive a make-work/sinecure existence through wealth extraction from the empire.
Hats wrong with that id think you were cool
I need to see the data on white women with tattoos... which group (college v non-college) has the most tattoos....
I think we can all agree that you shouldn't be able to interact with children if you have a tattoo (especially if it's easily visible); exceptions to the rule only arise when you're depicted as a monster, some sort of lesser-human or goblin, etc.
Men were more likely than women to report a tattoo, but the highest rates of tattooing were found among women in their 20s (29.4%).
. A greater prevalence of tattooing was found in 20- to 29-year-old women than in 20- to 29-year-old men (p = .008), whereas among men, tattooing was more common in the older age groups (40–49 years, p < .001; 50+ years, p <
economic pressures? the fact that women are uncool? who knows.......
In addition to chuckling to myself whenever I see someone with a tattoo, I'm going to think that the men I see are feminine pussies..... lol.....
women on the internet jokes? that's so ten years ago...
I know....... that's why it's so uncool.........
How much does a tattoo cost per square milimeter?
how much does it cost? an eternity of your soul seared in hellfire....