Texas Justice [Day 1 & Postgame]


You literally admitted earlier that that was, in fact, how you were seeing things, because I quoted you on it.

Don't think this redditism was going to go unnoticed by the way.

You're absolutely so unoriginal in every manner of speaking it's hilarious.

It's a sincere request since it seems like you're confusing reality with your personal perspective, which is strange since it's about text being displayed on a screen

Why are you getting so passive aggressive about it? The reality is very simple, you are a narcissist and cannot help yourself from engaging in manipulative and abusive speech patterns while protecting yourself with social views, it's incredibly obvious because the first thing you do when called out on it is resort to your long list of political debate tactics, name calling, fallacies, and the kitchen sink.

You have made a caricature of yourself in the name of some perceived power over the others of the forum, all of this is done with full intent and almost no self awareness.

All it takes is you answering one question: Do you genuinely believe that anyone posting on this forum goes by or prefers to be referred to by They/Them pronouns?
The answer is No, you do not believe this. But you will keep doing it for your own selfish reasons, that is the problem, it's your own personality that is deeply flawed.

If you would just read the thread, you would notice that everybody is narcissist but me

Is that all you have? Another half assed joke? You should put some of your reading time into comedy literature instead of all the culture war politics you read.

its almost like i was earnestly disinterested before and still am but i still need to get some game reads off you of course

This is just slightly worse than Jones and I going back and forth


I’ve changed my mind
I’ll be spotting the person with the most posts now

Shooting *

What do you get out of such blatant lies as well? Nobody is buying this act. Just be normal. There's no shame in being like the rest of us, you don't have to act special because you're not special - no matter how much your parents told you that you're some gifted child.

The best part is that you avoid every question and then think that nobody noticed how you avoided it too.
Then you do a cartoonish wiping sweat gesture and say "Phew! That was a close one!".

you're right you have me completely solved. are we in love?

What's wrong? Can't keep up?

i promise that none of it looks that way, except to maybe the assholes who have a problem with pronouns and dont even need to read what is being said, just "understand" that youre lobbing a bunch of bullshit pseudo-intellectual insults at him for even uttering the words 'they' or 'them' or alluding to "them" in any way shape or form. it just really gets them going.

you've said nothing nmagane


you just dont' like him - it's different

It does not matter how "it looks", I'm telling you how it is. Calling something pseudo intellectual is not going to change whether or not it's true.