Texas Justice [Day 1 & Postgame]

How come you didn't say "you just don't like them"?

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because it looks stupid when you say a bunch of words that dont' actually mean anything other than to bloviate - your obsession with this idea of "social humiliation" (against whoever you just decide you don't like or is too attention seeking) is fucking weird---- to me.

personally I wouldn't freak out if that happened, but I appreciate that you would on my behalf without my involvement

The psychological weight of an action is independent of it's effects. It is not defined.

The use of the word humiliation is an inside joke between me and my friends. If you couldn't tell, I still pepper in jokes amidst all my serious posts.

yeah raped and seethed, totally got it.


Like I said, the effects of actions are independent of their weight and implications regarding the culprit's person and motivations.

This is such a straightforward Psychological concept and the fact that you're skirting around it so much makes me really question your intellectual background as well.

And yes, I don't like him. And I've actually given the exact reasons why.

because he doesn't hate women or their happiness and pleasure?


I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

i would like it if you could break down how this applies to the posts between you two today, for me

like i'm dumb

its simply not fair to put the blame of communication breaking down between us from our difference in IQ totally on me. it takes two to tango buddy, its not my fault you're sitting outside of the upper whisker!

What do you mean? Are you questioning my motives and character for looking out for the quality of the forum?
His responses to me this whole thread are textbook attention seeking narcissist behavior.

i'm questioning the logic

help me understand those words in the context of your conversation

His actions, in a void, cast shadows of doubt upon his personality and intentions - regardless of their validity, effects, social acceptability, or political correctness.

Keep coping with bad jokes instead of answering the one simple question I asked you above.

at no point were you owed being taken seriously in this

which actions? how so? you're suggesting that his participation here makes him marked for disingenuous character in and of itself, when they appear to be promoting more progressive western cultural trends?

How come? Because you're too scared to take people on this forum seriously, lest it break down your fragile character?