Texas Justice [Day 1 & Postgame]

how come indeed

Promoting in this term is more akin to a popup advertisement with flashing pictures and colors, yes.
It's out of context, self imposing, and contrived in a manner that is just enough to avoid criticism from (no offense) someone like you, epok, or anyone concerned with the matter, while being ready to attack anyone speaking up against it with politically charged manipulative rhetoric.

The thing is, he doesn't have to be doing it on purpose - he doesn't have that sort of self awareness, it's just who he is, it's what he's accustomed to - it's his only way of maintaining social status.

i think i get what you're saying but i also think that people develop bad habits in bad spaces (like this one.. one could argue like the goyclub...)

but the beliefs in the concept still exist for the person..

(like dota)

So what if he believes in it? I said very early that I could care less about his political views - I'm not calling that into question at all.
What I'm calling into question is why does he seriously think it's Ok to call all of us they/them when none of us ever wanted or thought about being called that? It's almost a form of verbal and political rape, but more sinister because we're expected to enjoy it.

Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
- Matthew 22:21

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more sinister huh

Yes. Everyone knows rape is wrong; The victims are clear, and the perpetrators are punished. But in your situation, the victims are not allowed to speak up, otherwise we'd get attacked for being bigots, or worse: "rooted in binary values and essentialist views".

You would never get punished for what you're doing in the modern online space, you're abusing a power dynamic which only serves to feed your narcissism and ego.

hm yes, my narcissim and ego. That's why both a negative and positive response here would be met with attacks.

And to add to this, the worst part is that you're not even aware of it! It only takes someone with an acute sense of social awareness and understanding of sociological systems like me to point this out, and you'll keep denying it because that's just what you've been taught to do.

You need medication.

Gibberish non sequitur.

social awareness, something that couldn't possibly have multiple different reasonably acceptable forms. Like if, for example, one person's local environment is in Egypt and another's is a medium-sized American city. Surely that doesn't affect things. It can't, you've obviously looked at these things mind-independently

Are you serious? Our local environment, you drooling idiot (sorry, no offense), is this forum. If you thought about anything I'm saying for 2 seconds you would realize that it's all centered around this main concept.

In the very first post at you tonight I specifically mentioned this forum and its community won't judge you for "assuming their pronouns".

That's quite the distorted version of how that was communicated.

If you're not willing to adapt to the social environment you're in - that's the #1 example of lack of awareness.

No, your red and blue tinted glasses just can't read my posts properly.

For the record, you have decisively lost every altercation where you don't run away using jokes and irony so far.

i think you're confusing social adaptation with masking

in regards to how you're characterizing my behavior, not with what you just said using the term