Texas Justice Day 3

Roleblocking was a factional ability

Both sides had blockers? Who

Yes but there will be two of them claiming block because mafia only has one shot and there is one mafia on the other side So itā€™s a stupid 50 50

(or two mafia on exe side so they have to claim block to fake it)

Glad I could use my superior mafia abilities to set town up for the W

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I might be mistaking what you said. Iā€™m separating the concept of roleblocker and roleblock action used by the outlaw faction.

Itā€™s a 50/50 at best. Iā€™d say an uncontested block claim is scummier than a contested one (likely scenario is that scum wasnā€™t on the executed side)

In short I donā€™t think this setup is solvable with the roleblocker unless someone comes up with a genius multi-day gamesolve

Anyway enough about the gamesolve we should all be celebrating the highest iq player (me), and the cutest player (also me)

Someone host a new game quickly I need to win again

I thought a lot about ways to break the setup and adding the roleblocker seemed like the easiest solution.

If someone comes up with a >70% town winrate gamesolve Iā€™ll sheep that person the entire next game


No lynch and everyone shoots 1 person then it becomes a regular mafia game ez town wins

its simple: we create PGP messages announcing our shots on day 1 and then release the keys d2 to confirm who is town or not. From that point a majority of town will be confirmed and the game will be easily solved

That doesnā€™t work. @Jones and I already thought about that and itā€™s trivially proven incorrect.

Looking for feedback from everyone on this setup. I might try a variation in the future.

Also looking for feedback on the graveyard chat. Did anyone like/dislike the spoiler mode I added?
I slowly added spoilers as the game went on instead of telling the dead players everything.

I had a few different ideas for this game, and @SOPHIE and @Matticus made some good suggestions in the graveyard chat.

  1. More scum. I wanted this, but not enough players signed for 3 or 4 scum. I could have run this with 3 scum, but from the previous game, I figured several people would hip-fire on day one and 3 scum would be OP.

  2. Change mafia role-blocker to gun jammer. If your gun is jammed, you donā€™t fire that night, but you still save your shot for a future night.

  3. Give town some kind of protection from kills. @big_ass had a good idea in a previous game with a town blacksmith that gave out bulletproof vests each night. Another idea I had was to give each player a bible that has a chance to block one shot.

Any suggestions would be welcome, even from people who didnā€™t play this game.

Why the fuck do you want to shit on the format and break the game down into one coinflip? Why even play mafia? Go play some Yahtzee dude.

I think I had a really good shot at this if I had a decent sleep and/or didnā€™t have to work today. GG Gwez.

if they had caught me or gamut day 1 or even day 2, one of our deaths is basically auto loss

yeah we had a good try! wish i had more time to have made our decisions lol