the 'afk-strat' problem

What do you mean you don't want to have people to have a read on you?

That's like creating a meta where you are a scummie town so it is easier to play mafia when you are mafia because people lynched you many times when you were a scummie town.

It is easier to find scum when everyone is active, unless a scum player is playing better than town players. That's how a game should be played?

min post count is winning.

and i'd like to point out that a2pas/jones are voting and they don't play so they really shouldn't count. but whatever

The point of the game is to be as towny as you can play town by both being town and being mafia.

not to hide in shadows and hope other players are more scummie than you are


you don't always wanna be the #1 poster and sometimes lurking a bit is beneficial, but you should always be participating at least a little bit. not posting for an entire phase is unacceptable.

The most confusing part is people arguing the opposite. I am struggling so hard to understand their point but I can't. It is like they want to play the game but never seem to be able to post or read the game fully.
Is your life really THAT busy that you can't actually find time through out the day 5-10 minutes here and there or you are just choosing to play the way you are playing because you think it is "okay" and that's acceptable to play this way?

this was my favorite part of it all.

yns complaining about ppl wanting to make reads a game thats setup around reads.

and of course gamut likes it

you could just lynch people who are not posting idiot

that is not ideal play style my dear friend.

you should lynch mafia in mafia. not ppl who don't wanna play.

My God, I'm so high it is kinda scary. I can't stop wobbling ar ound. It feels really good to stick my toung out as far as I can And go ahhgggah noises. I also enjoy closing my eyes very tight making crazy faces with my young out of course. If someone is to.see me I must appear to be possessed! Aaaagggghhhhjh Mother Fucler! Oh yeah and by the way I usually miss 9 times out of 10. This shot was about 50 bucks. It was 90 cc and so dark I could not see it register, I just watched for it to fill up. I need an assistant to shoot me up, type for me and maybe play with my PP.....I have been over powered by my toung and eye possession. Yeah if I had an assistant she could be captureing some interesting pictures. only because I don't want to talk. O have been up.for almost 3 days.back to my 90 c.f. shot. I mixed up 3 different bottle caps. One with about a 20 of some 've r y.good looking strong smelling crack and vinegar. The next consists of about a 20 of some ice...Bada Bing bada wait this was about a 70 dollar shot....huh...Str8 Balling!!!! It's just a 211 don't make it a 187!!!! Oh yes and the final 30 bucks is about point 2 of some bomb was smack (that is heroin for all you square ass informers) please don't call 911 and ruin all my fun.....I got the caps lined up perfectly spaced; the work of a slightly insane OCD infested junkie. My faces and eye bulging toung stick8ng out and now stretching and flexing of body parts. It feels so good to e x tend m y less out as str8 and f flexed as possible, oh yeah stretch those knees out flex hard and work em! I have my whole legs tight from thigh to my toes. Oh yeah the toes they are attempting to dig up the concrete floor" Ohhh it feels so good, hurry push on your eyes....Mmmm! My legs seem to be dancing with one another. My feets are kinda twerking. Oh wow the hydroponic smack description seems to have temporarily been forgotten about. Thank God I remembered. This heroin has been blessed by The Good Lord Himself. (Notice the caps man.....) Mucho Respecto Senor! This piece of heaven comes in very hard rocks that go (clunk) when you drop them down onto the table.IT takes some elbow grease to break them up by pressing on it wrapped in a business card with a hard heavy object..... Fun Stuff.I take my time and nod out a lot and have up for days craziness going on....who me, I'm not crazy. Period. You see, PERIOD!!! ME NO! My legs are having a dance off... None stop cobra snake charming movements. Working them ankles good and hard flex and extend those knees, Ohhh yeah bounce them....Ohhh so good$. The burn baby, the burn!! Every other sentence I re reread what I wrote, well typed. Why do you got to be so technical. I'm tired if fixing mistakes, there is quite a few. My life seems like a mistake.....My Dad once told me I was a mistake and that the best part of me ran down my mothers leg 5 minutes later he gave me ice cream. Oh no I almost forgot about the sweet luscious HEROIN! OHHH yes I love it. So once you get it smashed I like to put about 30 cc warm water on it. No additional heat. I smash it up pretty well with the back of the needle. Let it sit for a while while I nod a little and tweak a wee bit, GOD I love speedballs. Oh y rah and I tend to the other caps too , in unison, kinda like a farmer, I like run on sentences and hate spell/ check/ suggest , yeah whatever! Mmmm Bach to the Heroin Cap! Do you ever notice how when Heroin is written the HERO part is always bigger, emphasized. .....hmmmmm! My legs are flapping like a flying bird. Back and fourth to digging " pressing flexing flapping. I have q food bun all thought my legs toes calves. I like it this way ..... Oh yeah work it, burn baby burn. Bulge them eyes out, cross the close them hard to you see purple, deep them like a button .....mmmmm oh yeah bite down on that toung.Speedballind yeah I 've speed balling. If you would stop interrupting me I could finish telling you about the HEROin. Its not that dark looking the powder, but as soon as the water hits it BOOM! LIKE ABRA CADBRA man.. .dark like chocolate, well almost. It is so dark that you can't see your life juice register, you got to watch for the right speed of it filling up, let it fill up a little bit then Bam that plunger Down! Bloom! To the moon Baby. Yeah the mega 3 cap shot I'm describing here was 90 cc so I do not have much room to work with to register, careful....... 70 plus dollars in that rig, 30 plus minutes of prep time and all of my love! What is really remarkable about this HEROin is the fact of how dark it is and when you draw it up though the cotton, w hen it is all in your rug no longer in the cap, its like magic....the cotton turns back to pure white. No residue left in the cotton and the awesome part is remember that 30 cc of water added to th mix, now it is 40 plus!!!!! Abraa CADBRA!!!! Grade A+++++ HEROin! My Guy delivers in 2 to 20 minutes. HE WILL TELL YOU A PARKING LOT TO MEET UP.IN and sometimes there will be 5 to 6 other fellow junkies waiting on him. Some in cars, some on footsie on bikes. When he pulls in everyone forms a neat and orderly line at his window. All chunk.... Snap pop, Bing bang boom, I know about repress. This is a brick A++++ Never runs out. He has the digital scale out and weighs up your purchase right in front of you, 140 a gram. Its like buying hydro verses regs. Quality My Friends at a Yes Indeedy Price!$!!$!!$ Hip Hip Horrayy!!!salute to the Dope Man (Nino) Your all right in My Book! SALUTE!!!! Well my Educational purposes people and My Fellow Junkie People, this has been a transmission of my thought patterns, actions, and ahhhhh well stuff, Ye$ Indeed, Great Stuff that I like to call "Romancicing The Stone! My legs are losing momentum, my high is subsiding. Should I go to Bed or Blast Off Again .....All I know as of right now I put a big tall glass of wAter in the freezer and it is going to quench this cotton mouth and thirst! Oh Man it is going to be so good ice cold...It is kinda weird that I have been typing but I'm I have been Preaching The Gospel...Can I get an Amen!!!! Party On!!!!DOE (Drugs Over Everyting)..Peace Out Homies and Homettes" Much Love and thanks for reading! :wink:

ok but mafia have a reason to not post idiot

you’re acting like your reads are statistically better than just randomly selecting people anyways (they’re not)

I don't think I explained my point well apparently. You want people to post more so you read them. But I'm just saying their are times where i don't want you to feel strongly one way or another. I.e power role.

I am not advocating playing shit town like Kyle did originally to hide his mafia play.

I am saying people have different expectations. I don't sign high post games that's not me. Their are times where I am mafia and I don't want to post if Kyle and klaze are just blowing up the thread and going to self destruct

I'm all for games having posting requirements if you want to host it. I just don't think it should be a global expected rule. And if it is, it should be like 5-10 posts per 24hrs worth of day.

i rather flip a coin on my own than waste time on scum hunting and then lynching afks instead of who i think is mafia.

10 posts per 24 hours of a day is reasonable minimum and a decent starting point.

is anyone opposed to insta zeusing players below 20 posts and end of day of a 48 hour day?

Mandating a playstyle is silly

Just say people have to play to their win conditions and that includes 1) not afking through games and 2) not being a shithead and flipping over something and ruining the game

I think it should apply to first 2 days of the game, then in day 3+ lower post counts are more or less acceptable

How else are we supposed to play this game if people don't read the game or dont post in the game?

how is being limited to 20 posts in 48 hours will hurt any play style?