the 'afk-strat' problem

we should have a maximum post count at like 25 posts per day


a post limit if you will

I think meaningful posts are hard to quantify. Day1 is alot of spammy talk so it pads alot of numbers. But I would be for a soft minimum that I posted above.

There should be custom post limits for each player decided by community votes in the signup thread

Roragok and gamut: 5 posts minimum per 24h
Faz and kyle: 25 posts maximum


this seems reasonable.

One of the problems I find is that with play times. My active times are generally when the fourm is dead. It hard to have alot of meaningful post counts. I could fluff 20 posts. Not sure if anyone else has this problem.

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honestly tho faz and i do need to cut back on how much we post.

i thjink that contributes to the afkers as well. i think some ppl have trouble finding time/motivation to read 500 posts.

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Dan wants to please the general population

A soul wants to troll

Afkers want to keep afking

Kyle and I want something unrealistic it seems

I honestly rather just not play all together then to keep sounding like a broken record about the most fundamental requirement of the game.

morons trying to enforce "posting guidelines" when the solution is to require players to complete X bitcoin proof of work captcha's that occur in a defined post increments to make sure they're at least opening the thread and scrolling through "I can generally read someone accurately within their first 5 interactions".

because that's the root of the issue here, it's not gamut, murs, or some other player I can't muster up not posting; "afk" is actually not opening up the thread for three days (the the above, APPARENTLY DO?) instead of the denial of never ending torrent of toilet water stream of consciousness.

the intersection of times where kyle and nyte can meaningfully interact through poop fingerpaints is INCREDIBLY small and my belief is that lengthening the day times promotes AFKing, non-interaction, do nothing.

i'm not going to read anything anyone says other than above, condolences if my opinions are wrong but I feel compelled to speak to them when KYLE says they're ill informed and illegitimate

X HOUR DAY, 4 HOUR WINDOW toward EOD that YoU have to SHOW UP to at some point.

There's this shock collar, that you mail to players who've signed the game, and they pass it around between each game.. and the collar you get from ap2as is caked in a mixture of sweat and human hair.


what about this: you all stop playing forum mafia and play the superior party game: town of salem.

iaafr was the glue that held mafia together

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yeah i really want to read my MMPI results every game

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the iaafr game plan: name everyone as possible scum on day 1 so you can go into the post game and claim you had the right reads on day 1

Wait I voted for literally the opposite of what I meant

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