The Current State of NADOTA and Why a Reformation is Needed

This is going to be a much more serious thread than the usual one here. I am writing this thread is to talk about social/cultural issues I have noticed around here recently.

Do you remember NADOTA in 2014? I do. Is this what you see now? Ask yourself why. I'll tell you why.
This forum has turned from a place of discussion and fun to a wretched hell hole. Certain people ("posters" as they call themselves, more on this later) do not want to return this forum to its glory, they want to stay deep in their swamp, never to resurface.

We have a few central issues here that I'd like to discuss in this thread. I have came up with names for these issues because it's much easier to talk about them this way.
These are:

  1. "Posting"
  2. Weak Roleplaying
  3. Strong Roleplaying

Before I get into the details, please make sure to read this through an objective lens. This forum is in dire need of help, and everyone can contribute.

Now for some real talk...

1. "Posting"

A phenomena that has been on the rise for years now but only recently has reached a point that it needs to be stopped. Some users have been taking part of this so much that it started to very negatively influence the rest of the forums.
These users call themselves "posters", and this is why they come to this website. To post of course. Their goal is to collect what I call "quotevotes", which are a way of showing that they "like" a certain "post" (comment) in a certain "thread". (submission)
Their view of the forums has become so skewed that they do not see threads as subjects of discussion anymore, and posts as replies or comments on those subjects, but they see both threads and posts as ways of accumulating quotevotes. "Posters" do not contribute to the forums but just try to appeal to each other, they are in a herd mentality where they see each other doing it so they do it more.
I don't think any of them ACTUALLY believe in what they're doing deep down, which is very frightening.
This phenomena has resulted in countless threads being thrown away by "posters" attempting to get quotevotes, attempting to gain fame as the "best posters" by getting the most quotevotes possible. It is clearly exemplified by the state of the NADota Awards, they want to turn the "Best Poster" award away from its real meaning and into a quotevote contest. "May the funniest man win is their motto", they want to destroy the forum. Ruining all serious discussion, turning it into a screen competition for golden stars.
A reformation is needed.

Biggest culprits in order (In my opinion):

  1. Quality "Poster"
  2. Haxity
  3. agile_mind
  4. plasmanation
  5. NABOKOV1995

Common phrases include:
"" (This is a quotevote. It doesnt include text, just a quote.)
"Your "posts" fucking suck!"
"You're a terrible "poster"!"
"Your "posts" are not funny!" (At someone talking seriously about a serious topic)

2. Weak Roleplaying

Some users, on the other hand, feel the need to fight. The need to create an argument over nothing, and to destroy a community from the inside. These users (I call them "Weak Roleplayers") do post real content and do engage in real conversation from time to time unlike "posters", but when they see their roleplay "target" they choose to derail the conversation and ruin the thread. The tunnel vision and fake (Fake as in fabricated, they trick themselves into thinking it is genuine so they do feel it) hatred blinds them and drives them into an endless argument across all boards campaigning to "ban" (This is not actually possible on this website, just a name ban) their target, even to the point of creating their own threads for this. It's an endless made up game of cops vs criminals where they genuinely believe that they are going to improve the state of the website, but my best guess is that they are mentally damaged and need to be in the spotlight as a leader of some sort.
This phenomena creates a very unstable community, especially when there is no such thing as actual bans. Turning the boards into a constant non stop fight that nobody even wants to look at except the guy leading the charge. Destroying all forms of conversation and discussion and replacing it with anger and two guys raging on each other. These users need to be confronted with their wrongdoings, they need to see that they are the ones doing damage. This is all obviously exemplified by the now removed "tribunal" system, which although it did turn the forum into a banning contest for a while, it was only used when necessary.
These users want to destroy the forum, turning it into an entire forum about bans and nothing else. Turning it into a state of war;
A reformation is needed.

Biggest culprits in order (In my opinion):

  1. electrowizard
  2. dotakyle
  3. Haxity
  4. Quality "Poster"
  5. NABOKOV1995

Common phrases include:
"[x] needs to be banned"
"Ban [x]"
"You're useless!"
"Why is [x] not banned yet?"

3. Strong Roleplaying

This is a much more obvious issue to you all, one that you should be all familiar with. This is where a user pretends to be something they're not, when a user creates a character to post as on the forum. When called out, they spew more garbage calling it "catharsis" (This is their word for roleplaying, they just don't realize it) and pretend as if they simply don't care. That they hate everyone! They're crazy and wacky! They then proceed to spam posts and threads, each according to their own characters of course, enforcing the idea that they are simply cuckoo and hate everyone but post here because they're so crazy. They cannot give up the lies that they created so they push it further. This is exemplified by the simple minded weak brained posters that do not see through their lies and act as "fans" to them, quotevoting and praising them etc..
I do not need to go into much detail here since each one of them has their own personality, but you all know how much damage they cause.
Strong roleplaying is a form is "posting" as it is created to garner attention, and to appeal to "fans".It could be the most destructive of the three honestly, but I will let you folk decide that yourselves.
These users end up taking a lot of forum space and filling it with nothing, repelling all real potential this forum has and turning it into a contest of who has the best coolest character, and encouraging more and more users to start acting a character to gain attention (negative or positive) on the boards because everyone else is doing it.
A reformation is needed.

Biggest culprits in order (In my opinion):

  1. NABOKOV1995
  2. Casandra
  3. agile_mind
  4. yung_nigga_sigma
  5. imilliterate

Common phrases include:
None, they're each different. But one shared habit is posting song lyrics and talking about killing people over and over.


A reformation is very desperately needed, all these users (not just the ones I named) need to be confronted with the truth, with what this forum is truly about. This needs to be done quick as the forum is in a rapid state of declination, and only we can save it. Spit-wad gave away his powers to someone who is clearly not familiar with these issues or the forum as a whole even, we need to be our own admins.
Yes, of course there are issues that I may have not mentioned here or people that I have missed, but I am trying to shed light on what I personally think is truly important, and this is what it is. People have been asking me repeatedly what was bothering me about this forum so much, this is it.

Thank you for reading and please take this into serious thought. I am not a "poster" and this is not a joke thread. I am looking forward to seeing what you think on this very delicate topic.
Have a good day.


Didn't read fuck you

What were you gonna say bitch?


Necroing thread

kinda upset my strong roleplaying wasnt referenced

big yns fan here

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who the fuck wrote this cause it definitely wasnt haxity

Big Benny

I hide behind a facade of shitposts and memes because I actually have nothing substantive to contribute to any conversation and not because I'm withholding my latent genius from undeserving nadota plebs.


Idk then

This is g0ing t0 be a much m0re seri0us thread than the usual 0ne here. I am writing this thread is t0 talk ab0ut s0cial/cultural issues I have n0ticed ar0und here recently.

D0 y0u remember NADOTA in 2014? I d0. Is this what y0u see n0w? Ask y0urself why. I'll tell y0u why.
This f0rum has turned fr0m a place 0f discussi0n and fun t0 a wretched hell h0le. Certain pe0ple ("p0sters" as they call themselves, m0re 0n this later) d0 n0t want t0 return this f0rum t0 its gl0ry, they want t0 stay deep in their swamp, never t0 resurface.

We have a few central issues here that I'd like t0 discuss in this thread. I have came up with names f0r these issues because it's much easier t0 talk ab0ut them this way.
These are:

  1. "P0sting"
  2. Weak R0leplaying
  3. Str0ng R0leplaying

Bef0re I get int0 the details, please make sure t0 read this thr0ugh an 0bjective lens. This f0rum is in dire need 0f help, and every0ne can c0ntribute.

N0w f0r s0me real talk...

1. "P0sting"

A phen0mena that has been 0n the rise f0r years n0w but 0nly recently has reached a p0int that it needs t0 be st0pped. S0me users have been taking part 0f this s0 much that it started t0 very negatively influence the rest 0f the f0rums.
These users call themselves "p0sters", and this is why they c0me t0 this website. T0 p0st 0f c0urse. Their g0al is t0 c0llect what I call "qu0tev0tes", which are a way 0f sh0wing that they "like" a certain "p0st" (c0mment) in a certain "thread". (submissi0n)
Their view 0f the f0rums has bec0me s0 skewed that they d0 n0t see threads as subjects 0f discussi0n anym0re, and p0sts as replies 0r c0mments 0n th0se subjects, but they see b0th threads and p0sts as ways 0f accumulating qu0tev0tes. "P0sters" d0 n0t c0ntribute t0 the f0rums but just try t0 appeal t0 each 0ther, they are in a herd mentality where they see each 0ther d0ing it s0 they d0 it m0re.
I d0n't think any 0f them ACTUALLY believe in what they're d0ing deep d0wn, which is very frightening.
This phen0mena has resulted in c0untless threads being thr0wn away by "p0sters" attempting t0 get qu0tev0tes, attempting t0 gain fame as the "best p0sters" by getting the m0st qu0tev0tes p0ssible. It is clearly exemplified by the state 0f the NAD0ta Awards, they want t0 turn the "Best P0ster" award away fr0m its real meaning and int0 a qu0tev0te c0ntest. "May the funniest man win is their m0tt0", they want t0 destr0y the f0rum. Ruining all seri0us discussi0n, turning it int0 a screen c0mpetiti0n f0r g0lden stars.
A ref0rmati0n is needed.

Biggest culprits in 0rder (In my 0pini0n):

  1. Quality "P0ster"
  2. Haxity
  3. agile_mind
  4. plasmanati0n
  5. NABOKOV1995

C0mm0n phrases include:
"" (This is a qu0tev0te. It d0esnt include text, just a qu0te.)
"Y0ur "p0sts" fucking suck!"
"Y0u're a terrible "p0ster"!"
"Y0ur "p0sts" are n0t funny!" (At s0me0ne talking seri0usly ab0ut a seri0us t0pic)

2. Weak R0leplaying

S0me users, 0n the 0ther hand, feel the need t0 fight. The need t0 create an argument 0ver n0thing, and t0 destr0y a c0mmunity fr0m the inside. These users (I call them "Weak R0leplayers") d0 p0st real c0ntent and d0 engage in real c0nversati0n fr0m time t0 time unlike "p0sters", but when they see their r0leplay "target" they ch00se t0 derail the c0nversati0n and ruin the thread. The tunnel visi0n and fake (Fake as in fabricated, they trick themselves int0 thinking it is genuine s0 they d0 feel it) hatred blinds them and drives them int0 an endless argument acr0ss all b0ards campaigning t0 "ban" (This is n0t actually p0ssible 0n this website, just a name ban) their target, even t0 the p0int 0f creating their 0wn threads f0r this. It's an endless made up game 0f c0ps vs criminals where they genuinely believe that they are g0ing t0 impr0ve the state 0f the website, but my best guess is that they are mentally damaged and need t0 be in the sp0tlight as a leader 0f s0me s0rt.
This phen0mena creates a very unstable c0mmunity, especially when there is n0 such thing as actual bans. Turning the b0ards int0 a c0nstant n0n st0p fight that n0b0dy even wants t0 l00k at except the guy leading the charge. Destr0ying all f0rms 0f c0nversati0n and discussi0n and replacing it with anger and tw0 guys raging 0n each 0ther. These users need t0 be c0nfr0nted with their wr0ngd0ings, they need t0 see that they are the 0nes d0ing damage. This is all 0bvi0usly exemplified by the n0w rem0ved "tribunal" system, which alth0ugh it did turn the f0rum int0 a banning c0ntest f0r a while, it was 0nly used when necessary.
These users want t0 destr0y the f0rum, turning it int0 an entire f0rum ab0ut bans and n0thing else. Turning it int0 a state 0f war;
A ref0rmati0n is needed.

Biggest culprits in 0rder (In my 0pini0n):

  1. electr0wizard
  2. d0takyle
  3. Haxity
  4. Quality "P0ster"
  5. NABOKOV1995

C0mm0n phrases include:
"[x] needs t0 be banned"
"Ban [x]"
"Y0u're useless!"
"Why is [x] n0t banned yet?"

3. Str0ng R0leplaying

This is a much m0re 0bvi0us issue t0 y0u all, 0ne that y0u sh0uld be all familiar with. This is where a user pretends t0 be s0mething they're n0t, when a user creates a character t0 p0st as 0n the f0rum. When called 0ut, they spew m0re garbage calling it "catharsis" (This is their w0rd f0r r0leplaying, they just d0n't realize it) and pretend as if they simply d0n't care. That they hate every0ne! They're crazy and wacky! They then pr0ceed t0 spam p0sts and threads, each acc0rding t0 their 0wn characters 0f c0urse, enf0rcing the idea that they are simply cuck00 and hate every0ne but p0st here because they're s0 crazy. They cann0t give up the lies that they created s0 they push it further. This is exemplified by the simple minded weak brained p0sters that d0 n0t see thr0ugh their lies and act as "fans" t0 them, qu0tev0ting and praising them etc..
I d0 n0t need t0 g0 int0 much detail here since each 0ne 0f them has their 0wn pers0nality, but y0u all kn0w h0w much damage they cause.
Str0ng r0leplaying is a f0rm is "p0sting" as it is created t0 garner attenti0n, and t0 appeal t0 "fans".It c0uld be the m0st destructive 0f the three h0nestly, but I will let y0u f0lk decide that y0urselves.
These users end up taking a l0t 0f f0rum space and filling it with n0thing, repelling all real p0tential this f0rum has and turning it int0 a c0ntest 0f wh0 has the best c00lest character, and enc0uraging m0re and m0re users t0 start acting a character t0 gain attenti0n (negative 0r p0sitive) 0n the b0ards because every0ne else is d0ing it.
A ref0rmati0n is needed.

Biggest culprits in 0rder (In my 0pini0n):

  1. NABOKOV1995
  2. Casandra
  3. agile_mind
  4. yung_nigga_sigma
  5. imilliterate

C0mm0n phrases include:
N0ne, they're each different. But 0ne shared habit is p0sting s0ng lyrics and talking ab0ut killing pe0ple 0ver and 0ver.


A ref0rmati0n is very desperately needed, all these users (n0t just the 0nes I named) need t0 be c0nfr0nted with the truth, with what this f0rum is truly ab0ut. This needs t0 be d0ne quick as the f0rum is in a rapid state 0f declinati0n, and 0nly we can save it. Spit-wad gave away his p0wers t0 s0me0ne wh0 is clearly n0t familiar with these issues 0r the f0rum as a wh0le even, we need t0 be 0ur 0wn admins.
Yes, 0f c0urse there are issues that I may have n0t menti0ned here 0r pe0ple that I have missed, but I am trying t0 shed light 0n what I pers0nally think is truly imp0rtant, and this is what it is. Pe0ple have been asking me repeatedly what was b0thering me ab0ut this f0rum s0 much, this is it.

Thank y0u f0r reading and please take this int0 seri0us th0ught. I am n0t a "p0ster" and this is n0t a j0ke thread. I am l00king f0rward t0 seeing what y0u think 0n this very delicate t0pic.
Have a g00d day.


" Wagie. WAGIE. Come here at once. Do you see what I see? Pickles? When I asked for no fucking pickles? How stupid are you that you can't even make a burger right? Give me a refund from your own wallet and I won't force your manager to fire you right here on the spot."

1 Like

Can I get an ip check on my b0y haxity

@SOPHIE @anon31000304 @Roragok

i hardly even post anymore how was i listed

his account is infected by goys :smile:

Maybe your great posts are important to the forum fauna

thank you