These BLM protests needs a new chant line

but if we accomplish one thing by protesting we just might ask for more and this is something the republicans are likely afraid of

Yeah somehow this is a republican issue.......... lmao ok buddy

((as every democratic ran state burns down))

People who aren't racist and treat people equally don't feel the need to virtue signal and scream about not being racist. The media has people hating themselves and jumping through hoops to prove their virtue and it's one of the saddest and dumbest things I've ever seen.

Pro-BLM St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner refused charges against looters and rioters. 36 people released from jail, back on the streets!

If you idiots want a country with criminals running rampant, and the courts letting them back out of jail, then by all means; feel free to welcome them into your home to loot and steal everything all in the name of " MUH SOLIDARITY WITH BLACK FOLK"

That way you can film the entire thing on facebook and prove how virtuous you are.

This morherfucker is still posting?

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Tribunal when?

numeta is kind of right, democrats and republicans have pretty much the same practical position on the police state

trumps rhetoric definitely emboldens cops and racists but u have people like debunglo whos supposed to be a progressive mayor who increases the cops budget every year

The only time numeta is right is by accident

@anon82208883 @KrazyKat Do ur fucking jobs the trash needs taking out plz!!

kkat said he was gonna do it so ill let him do it his way

im alwaysd the bad guy banning everyone im just the site journalist.

who should my next interview be?

I nominate myself or @big_ass

There's always bad actors that co-opt these demonstrations and there's always been a schism in the civil rights sphere about whether to pursue peaceful vs violent avenues to enact change.

Whenever law and order breaks down people are going to take advantage of a chaotic situation to commit crimes they think they can get away with and it doesn't matter what precipitated that breakdown be it George Floyd or a new WTO ruling.

The same goes for cops which is why they crack people's skulls with clubs or shoot people in the face with tear gas canisters when it's unnecessary - they want to hurt people and they will if they think there will be no repercussions.

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i sense a lot of dan related questions.

I'll allow it but i shall not breach his privacy

you will breach whatever i tell you to breach. i'm the head sheriff round these parts boy-o


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As far as budgets are concerned I think it's important to note how powerful police unions are and how much influence they have on mayoral politics. My uncle used to negotiate with the Seattle Police Guild on behalf of many different mayors over they years and they're some fuckface SOBs that you can't ignore, you have to play ball with them.

Police unions also fight all the body cam/police accountability stuff and fight the firing of cops who have multiple excessive force citations

Police unions need to go. They do not spark joy