USA/ Canada terrorist attack?

they are literally described as black skinned

We wuz kangz for sure bro

remember to pay homage to mesopotamia anytime you pull up a vegetable from the ground. they invented agriculture!!!!

Mesopotamia is black now too?

Bro what are you actually dumb

you said africans didn't invent the wheel because they got it from other cultures

We wuz mf kangz up in Mesopotamia n nubia u feel me

Yeah I mainly meant sub Saharan Africans, as in blacks, North Africa is a different story but they are not even black

you have a severe learning disability

When the Congo gets properly industrialized it’s gonna be the age of kangz

yeah bro North Africans are black

Can you please confirm your belief in explicit terms that you believe North Africans to be black

no they're mediterranean if anything

it would be like thinking jesus was white

the kushites were black tho, at least to the egyptians

Will concede I cannot with 100% certainty say that these Nile river dwellers are black or not

So perhaps there was a group of black people south of the Egyptians that may have invented the wheel, or may have stole the technology from the Egyptians, it’s up in the air for me

Was Jesus European no absolutely not he was semitic and likely looked like the Arabs we see today, slightly darker in complexion than Europeans with brown hair

I don’t even think that is a point of contention that Jesus the rabbi born in 0 AD in the holy land under the Roman province of Judea was not a blonde haired European