USA thread

Spending the majority of my teenage and early 20s as an incredibly broke individual (I used to have to convince the bus driver to let me pay like 35 cents instead of 2 dollars) I can tell you that public transportation is literally insane


From my xp the real shit goes down on outbound public transpo. we only care to give a shit about what goes down in the nice areas and magnify the hell out of it

Maybe Chicago is different I doubt it I think you’re gas lighting me but riding public transportation in LA and Vegas I have had nothing but bad experiences

You are lucky if you have an uneventful ride, normally there is at least one homeless guy masturbating in his seat but minding his own business (best case)


I'm not gaslighting you I bet it happens more in places with warmer climates

You will get fucked up here for it

I’m not going to be the one to physically restrain this homeless man who is masturbating on the bus, maybe in Chicago you have the equivalent of black Batman riding on every bus but out here nobody is trying to touch an individual who hasn’t showered in 2 years

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Ur the shit man. Ur a good guy. Glad ur doing well now.

only read jdance's posts

actually i lied i read yns posts to they are my favorite

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I mean the homeless people keep to themselves and when they don't they'll get yelled out and the driver will eject them. If we're talking about the same buses that go to white areas and back

yeah i totally model homeless people as rational actors
same with poor black people


It was his most +EV play.

these people are basically hostile mobs in every single situation

maybe I should go counter protest at the local abortion rally

thoughts on a sign saying: "PHOTOGRAPH PROTESTORS\N KILL THEIR FAMILIES" or something to that degree

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idk you seemed to have a hard time after yelling at some old cunt

what is the best thing to put on a sign

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