USA thread

noooooooooooooooo you're sending us back to the stooone ageee

GPU exploded while playing llevel 8 healing ward juggernaut yesterday. I can't play any computer games that actually utilizes my graphics card.

Relegated back to osu and dcss for the time being

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Damn I thought you were gonna type something based

How come you added the rainbow flag next to your name only for the last week of pride month?

I'll keep it for a month if it makes you feel better.


you.. you realize this is gonna change right?

you do realize that the missippippi law that prompted the SC to overturn roe v wade bans abortion post.... 15 weeks

to be fair, what I quoted was from the texas tribune

but I imagine that will become common practice

and there are many reasons to need an abortion post 15w

missippippi, openly lauded as the most backward, worst state in the union, reverting back to the horrors of the standards of the majority of western europe.

talking about “garbage roastie whores” or whatever is such crap

either willful ignorance or pure strawman

the thing you linked clearly shows texas is the most backwards

and why is being more progressive than the EU in any way a bad thing?

much less separation of church and state in many of those countries

there is more sense in banning abortion outright than there is allowing abortion up until birth like oregon, colorado, new mexico, vermont, etc.

40 week abortion lmfao

that’s only and literally only for ectopic pregnancies and things revealed late term that would be horrific disabilities, like having your organs inside out

nobody is randomly going “nah id rather not” on an 8 month baby, jesus

you cannot be this daft, this is performative right?