USA thread

It’s always been like that my grandparents got married at 20 and had 5 children I don’t believe any of those were “planned” as much as they just happened in a sense

My great grandparents had like 9 children on both sides I doubt any of those were “planned”

Before they (they = Jews democrats feminists satanists, international bankers) spent years and millions into propaganda campaigns to undermine traditional family values in this country people got married young, had sex and had babies, the concept of spending your 20s as a wine drinking college student into early professional is completely new and very detrimental to the continuation of society at large

Yaaaas queen you’re only young once drink that wine and take B.C have fun!

You need a career queen what if that man leaves you?

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“ According to a 2015 study, women initiate 69% of all divorces. So why do women initiate divorce more than men?”

The other 30% of the time the bitch probably gets caught cheating

Hormonal birch control is most likely very unhealthy for the woman.

@_jdance it's for you!

Did they live on a farm, it's usually more than letting it happen. Kids made for good farmhands and with the mortality rate then it didn't really hurt to pay it safe

I would argue that this a general thing and nothing exclusive to women

College is an adult daycare and the education system in general prepares you worse than ever, and your hard working parents aren't going to cover the difference

Also this is literally why divorce rates are higher, men have it tougher dating wise, etc. You no longer have to form a dependency on a man to get ahead in life, it's (a pretty) equal employment field. There's stuff you get to look forward to post-teen years that you can't do with a kid. Especially if you're both aspiring people

I hate how we always look past situational stuff to try and draw broad strokes like "abortion is evil and sluts get them" and look past things like contraception fails, a lot of people aren't ready, and these days with absolutely no fucking net/"societal comfort" for you the last thing you want is to hurt the rest of your QoL by having a drain on it than inhibits you from being able to provide better care later

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Look at china, I doubt they have a proper abortion system but people will opt to not have kids and focus on their careers anyways. It's the same thing here and seems like a fair request on behalf of wimmen. It's never been more possible for a woman to be able to professionally exceed and a worse time to bear kids

wow guys! women truly are able to succeed! (on-demand abortion up until birth, massive legal system erected to beat every non-compliant company to submission, massive federal subsidy programs, fake jobs, the erasure of eat-what-you-kill, "hostile work environment" laws)


Legal bias and post first trimester abortions I get but what subsidies, "companies" are we talking about? Is there really a problem with hostile work laws (state determined btw)

Women did this? Are you sure they didn't just do everything and you're being incel pilled
