USA thread

Not saying that having to leave your home is a good thing, but it's just the country you happened to be born in, unlucky.

Why do you think this is a joke

yeah all those teenagers can just up and leave alabama

it’s in the goddamn court ruling dude

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The supreme court has never before overturned something that fundamentally strips a right from someone and you actively think its funny

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We don't choose what country to be born in. Some gay teenagers will never get the luxury of leaving Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Yeah and those places are shitholes

Try to understand why it happened instead of allowing yourself to be whipped into a fervor by nonsense political commentators

I believe what you're talking about is slavery. What is prohibition.

I agree, and some US states are also "shitholes".

The same supreme court that was packed by a literal authoritarian manchild who tried to overthrow the government

It happened becausw trump appointed 3 judges

You don't understand the political world - you see more lens than light

You're forgetting the part about where he was a an agent of the Russian state.

Trump packs the court

The court rules to overturn abortion

This was Putin's plan guys: don't forget that part.

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1 + 1

he directly reccomended repealing rulings relating to contraception, gay marriage, decriminalization of sodomy

that’s what a supreme court justice said, not a twitter user

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I'll be available on the minecraft server to discuss this in more detail later

He distracted Americans with the War in Ukraine and had his infiltrators change the law while the people were watching the news.