Who are you voting for for 2020

my dad owns a grocery store.
my mom was stay at home mom/works parttime now as maintenance at blink fitness.

What would you say was the hardest thing you ever went through

was bullied in school, got jumped in school, lotta fights, got beat by parents.

Typical hood kid upbringing, dunno man. I move forward always so now i just look back at them as memories.

How many times have you been to a doctor / hospital

i use yoga as sex prep. refpsi is right

maybe 20x total in my life. thats a strangely specific question.

I'm just trying to understand how your background influences your beliefs

" 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things . 12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known."

I do believe it is in my best interest to use logic and rational to justify my beliefs and not emotional trauma from my childhood/past.
It will never be removed from me but i found life is better to not dwell on the past and look forward for reason and understanding.

I'm sorry refpsi I didn't mean to get mad at you up there. I apologize and hope we can find common ground

we've already found common ground, I always look forward to your post bro.

vote NDP


Hi nmamane. What are you typing?

You should literally drink cyanide and jump into a lake if you're politically active in america. What a joke of a fucking trash country. It's actually incredible how low effort the political agenda of this country is in contrast to how many people hold strong political beliefs and conform into ideologies. I guess You Guys Ate Too Much McRetard Burger Retard Sauce.

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@SOPHIE who are you voting for?

Voting for Reginald Winsdor the next time he walks into Stormwind.

The man is not to be harmed.



Because I cant get a decent job cuz u have dog shit availability cuz I go to college so I work for my sleezball cousin who cant pay me on a regular time schedule like every other job on the planet and hes been dicking me around on the money I earned per usual and I was hoping If i begged enough he would PayPal it to me tonight after making $1600 in sales off my back this week and because I'm such a loser and couldn't find anyone to hang out with me tonight on my birthday and probably wont be able to tomorrow either I'd like to have something to do for the next 30 something hours rather than sit here and be miserable.

Since ya asked

Can you give me some gold in Gehennas eu Bro? I'm on a dwarf rogue