world war 3 thread

yeah sure

so ? why is it a competition?

you’re saying all this because I dared to disagree with your opinion

fuck you are an insecure cunt

classic insom discussion

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I ask a genuine question and get “hurr this is why people dislike canadians”

yeah not sure why I kicked the hive but really I didn't think it was worth engaging with you nor did I want you to continue bugging me if I ignored you sorry

the canadian part was an attache man

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you do what you want mr insom it's my human right to interpret it and respond as I please thanks for respecting it

yeah you went into full on attack mode because I disagreed with you, you’re a massively insecure cunt

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don't project

he didnt fucking attack you LMFAO

“what books have you read”

while refusing to elaborate on what books he has read. very cool discussion

the ultimate in low effort snobbery

he just asked what you've read on russia man you take everything down to a personal level and just start shitflinging and get surprised when people fling shit back at you

clearly my opinions not wanted here so enjoy your thread guys, have fun



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who said it's unwelcome

I welcome all sheep to the flock

i took offense at rude and passive aggressive posting, but somehow it’s also my fault

very cool dude

it's really not rude or passive aggressive to ask what research you've done on recent russian history