Allahu Akbar

You guys are making me more sick keep it up

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Reminder: YNS reveals further that he places infinite value into "real life status" and without a therapist: "vents" into the blog thread "subtly" about his cool and edgy endavours. Anyone getting offended by pointing this out (Ian, amer) are people that are legitimately inspired by the blatant insecurity of a loser.

I have shown vulnerability in the blog thread multiple times: one of my most liked posts of all times is a emotional rant about my feelings. You can’t actually think by yourself though and just rush to a brain preset “he’s aggressive = he’s trolling = he’s afraid to show vulnerability”.

The worst part about these threads is it may if not perfectly articulated come off as some sort of jealousy of a rock-and-roll lifestyle except it’s not: If I were to cherrypick and edit my life into such a way to make myself appear larger than life (not particularly hard when the people reading consist of Amer and Ian) - I could surpass yns’s Hunter s Thompson’s - alice and wonderland stories.

YNS by himself truly isn’t a problem : he’s clearly smart enough that if I pointed this out he wouldn’t disagree or detest - he would have some legitimate and critical thought out responses. The problem is that the forum is entirely consisted of just “filler”.

Members with no personality and soul. "You’re just not vulnerable wahh you’re just - " well actually - I have been vulnerable and I have done it sober. You going through short euphoric rants about how your drugs make you feel @amer are not you being vulnerable as you have never been vulnerable about your life whilst not under the influence of anxiety influencing drugs (kratom).

For you to place vulnerability on a grail now is stupidly ironic: you’re literally taking a drug forcing your neurochemistry to stop mucking about and make you vulnerable and honest.

u see to have caught the autism from nma

You seem to have caught the autism from nmagane.*

You should watch the night manager or read the book Nmagane – you might relate to it quite a bit.


tippin off the tism

Agreed nmagane. You should try this drug Nmagane and watch this movie (avengers ultron war) and watch my cartoons - you may relate to it quite a bit.


this thread is getting curated so hard

Here's some vulnerabiltiy and it was 100% sober - something you cannot say. It's nice for you to roleplay and make up psuedo-argument winners in your head but you're simply at fail. I bullied you as you brought my name into things despite me never giving a shit about you. After doing some research - you have barely posted on the blog thread until you admitted to doing Kratom: a widely known anxiety reducing drug. Since your "true self" has been revealed : you have revelled in unfunny jokes, shitty personal revelations and a gloryhole keyhole view into your boring and dumb life.

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Perhaps your anxiety (so extreme that you turned to drugs to mute it) was actually preventing the world from your boring and uninspired opinions. Drugs truly are a plague on society and online communities at that.

IDK why you think I like him I just think ur worse

The thing I respect about nmagane is : since the eight years I have been best friends with him : he doesn’t seem to have any care about real life social value. You can call him a loser but Egypt seems like an absolute hell-hole with nothing worthwhile and he clearly has a healthy mindframe to live such a vulnerable life (in terms of lack of social and familial connection) and be perfectly fine. I am not saying perfectly fine as hyperbole; nmagane legitimately has no care for any social or sexual braggings