Give me a hint

hint about what? i said they do esoteric rituals to guide their investments. there is no one way that everybody sticks to

What do you think I should read if I want to get into “occult investment”

I spent hours upon hours poring upon old Kevin Shields interviews, old mbv interviews and live shows, recordings, etc. when I was younger. It’s really cool that you got to grow up so close to their birthplace.

I’m really jealous of living in Ireland

nntaleb works

go into the woods at midnight and follow the first voice you can hear

What was your path into “occult investment” like? How long has it been? What results are you seeing?

i don’t participate, i only watch

Sounds a little like cuckoldry to me

He was just a…HEH sort of unintending victim…sort of a… casualty of war in my internet forum brigade

I googled “nntaleb” and the first comment on his twitter is some garbage “iamverysmart” nonsense

fwiw i’m up 25% on amd from theorycrafting (although my theorycraft didnt go as predicted and i should have been up 40-50% if i wasn’t a pussy)

it’s great when people say “i’m a retard btw” so you don’t have to read into what they post

My mum said him or the band threw insane parties and she went to one or two of them. I never got infatuated with the personal side of Shields but I have looked at quite a few interviews: he definitely has some finger on the nerve of Dublin Culture as both mbv and Loveless embody it very well.

I don’t know if that makes sense as the emotional content of both albums is quite abstract of “out-there” - it just reminds me of a weird - slightly euphoric nihilism which when I first heard it made me nostalgic for certain estates and districts I spent time around growing up.

Yeah but did you see your post #112

I guess my point is: if you identify in that weird: arty: unexplainable way with My Bloody Valentine then so does Dublin.

Yeah, I think most if not all 4 of the real band line-up did a whole bunch of ecstasy, ketamine, halluciongens, all the mix

Definitely a lot of ketamine.

whats up? i predicted amd would get a huge spike because they always have superior tech, they shat out announcements for superior gpus and they did grow 20% from when i invested, i sold cause it stopped growing as fast and they continued to grow well into septmeber

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I’ve always wanted to see glasgow and london, maybe I’ll stop in Dublin someday…