If you stop in Dublin let me know: I know other people from communities I have been Provocative in that plan on stopping and meeting with me: I got some interesting things planned for when they come, can add you into the potential mix and have you as a host.

In real life I am 6"1, average looking in terms of Irish Genetics but have enough personality to stand out; well-equipped for a lot of situations (lot of stupid shit I have found myself in in the past) : calmed down, focused on college and work, give my all to Leisure Activities when they come now.

Nice post

How did i evoke such a strong emotion from you by posting im high and im full of love

False equivalence - you evoked a mediocre and low investment emotion by using my name in dismissal.

My personality is not attached to my tonal posts.

I could post fifty thousand posts in cap lock and bold: condemning every member of the forum but I personally: behind the screen: would not feel attached to it.

when i fart it smells like what i imagine nmaganes room smells like

You look very insecure if it only takes a random forum user to insult you to push you that far b

We proved in an earlier thread that I have the highest wpm (top 99.9% according to a site) typing speed and I enjoy these psuedo-debates that take place on sites such as this. It’s not some venom fueled or crocodile teared response: I type without emotion mostly: and if something is bothering me, I do post about it on the blog thread - you probably haven’t been paying attention.

Push me that far? How far - to post a post on a forum? That sure is far. You’re projecting your insecurity onto me.

You can tell yourself you arent angry and you are just playing a character but at the end of the day youre a liar and angry at someone else being ignorant and happy with it

Why would i pay close attention to you

I am not telling myself anything; even in real life I am very hard to make angry. If any user on the forum would make me angry it would be threeoneseven, Wintermute, potentially YNS - that’s all off the top of my head. I’m not a liar - you just say that to make yourself feel better for being outed as a loser. You’re right - you are ignorant and happy - thanks for clarifying.

If you ask that in a rhetorical sense then perhaps you should heed your own advice and stop paying close attention to me.

farted and some rice came out, worrying

You can forever try and connect “acknowledging” with anger but it will never go through. I enjoy talking to people - if I give you time I am likely deriving fun and enjoyment visualising your psyche crumble further after every post.

Nono! You did stalk me first! Now its my turn

God’s gonna be really reluctant about letting some of the people posting ITT into heaven

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