Why me and 317?

Currently playing dota

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What was your lowest point in life?

I legitimately don’t know. Maybe after breaking up with my first girlfriend? Tough question – emotionally I’d say what I just said, from an analytical perspective it was probably around when I was 13 or 14 when I was just a shut-in playing dota and reclusive.

And do you think you have peaked yet?
No. I am positive I have not. My life and personal skills/intelligence/wisdom have bee getting exponentially bigger. Not to brag but the question set me up that way. I am already sizing up my prior competition and am learning more than most around me. I know some people say this as a brag solely but I genuinely believe my peak will be around 29. – it depends what peak you mean; there’s career and girls and spiritual acceptance but I think 29 is a good number right now, will likely change but I believely truly that I am growing faster than everyone around me and not backtracking,

I am 20.

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I forget Benny is 20 and still a child mentally


I genuinely appreciate the message that I am a child mentally but also believe that my observations about you succeed anybody else on teh forum by quite a mile.

Said teh by accident. Sorry about that!

Why me and 317 the ones to make you angriest?

317 was spamming the thread; I said you have the Potential to make me angriest but in hindsight that’s not really true as I don’t give you much mind; I don’t know who would make me the angriest on the forum, no user really angers me; at best they provoke my argumentative side but I don’t think I have ever felt anger towards the forum. Sorry wintermute, bit drunk currently, may of used your name in misuse.

317 was not just spamming the thread has been a nuisance since joining the teamspeak. Should clarify - never vibed with him

No worries - I do not want to make anybody angry. I am just posting my thoughts & opinions in threads.

However I think your assessment of 317 and my posting is incorrect - We were talking about books in this thread. It was you & slowdive that were spamming by talking about music - the most boring topic possible on this website.

Passionfortrains it makes me happy talking to you

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I promise I was being genuine. I have work tomorrow and my alcohol tolerance is approaching its limits so if you have any more sincere questions ask now. I do appreciate the talk so far though.

You mentioned your shut-in dota phase… when was the turning point?

Hahaha - I actually have an interesting answer to this.

I felt suicidal at a stupidly young age - like 13 or 14, and I needed a good time investment. I chose dota, at the time it required a paid amount and I paid it and me and nmagane (best friend at the time and still to this day) started playing non-stop dota. I was shit at it but I took it seriously. It was my first sport I guess or something I could actively improve on. When I was about sixteen people very far from my social group were getting into girls and social manipulation (I sucked until like this age - probably still suck - may re-read this post and cringe hahahahahahaha) but competitive dota rewoke me. I found out about fitness and started going gym at 17. From there it was a gradual but successful turning phase. I still relaly respect my online community ties and most of my friends are aware I shit-post on various communities (I have much funnier posts on reddit and stuff than here)

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Any more questions? I’ll ask you some when I’m sober.

Im sorry i go jogging now. Was fun talking to you tho! Have a good night

Thanks you too: