Your religious upbringing

let kids enjoy santa

I don’t know what the correct approach would be in that case, I just think that anything you tell your children regarding this topic is essentially forcing it on them - it’s not too far off the extreme stories in this thread.
I think letting them discover atheism on their own (Like most people) is the only way to ensure they have a Normal upbringing.

If you are an atheist parent it is the exact same as Santa for you. Don’t poison the well.

Not at all, because how I think every religion works is probably a poor representation of the ideas those people have.

Yeah I definitely wouldn’t try to push atheism either, but kids ask questions and you can’t just say nothing all the time.

You don’t have to share your idea of how religion works with them but the idea is still there I think. It is still part of what you think when you tell them anything about it.

Haha i remember being like 10 and asking my mom how Adam and Eve could be the only people alive at one point and my mom just kind of bullshitted her way out of explaining that one to me.

I think there is a pretty big difference between “son, God came to Abraham…” and “ask some jews”

Well you have no option than to push one thing or the other, but I think one of those things is much easier and safer to push (only slightly) than the other.
I don’t think you can push “just a little” Atheism.

Interesting thoughts. Do you think teaching kids to be skeptical in general is bad?

I think I’m not explaining this clearly.

I find it an odd thing. It’s not really a subject thing In my head. It’s not Grammer, math, history, science. Those are mostly factual, while religion is important to me but it’s not something factual you can back up.

It has always been to me a way to instill vaules, morals and a sense of community.

Not Bad - but I think it’s unnatural and only fancy.
“I’m going to teach my son how to play Dota from a young age so he can grow up and win The International”

Used to go to Sunday school at the united church as a child.

My dad was raised as a catholic in northern quebec but hasn’t been inside a catholic church for 30 years. My mom was raised united but i don’t think she ever really cared that much for it. I think she mostly felt pressured to try and instill some semblance of faith in me and my siblings because her sister was really into being involved with the church with her children. think my mom just kinda felt it was the “good parent” thing to do.

Didn’t really work. me and my three siblings don’t ever go to church or consider ourselves religious.

my mom’s definitely got some form of faith and has a spiritual side that i find interesting but even she stopped going so idk.

Yeah I think it might be impossible to force yourself to teach your children some religion if you don’t believe yourself though.
A real catch 22.

yeah i’ll probably do the same thing with my kids though.

hmm teaching a certain skill is different them teaching your kids to be comfortable asking questions in my opinion. I mean you could say this about anything you teach your kids outside of brushing their teeth and wiping their butt. I think a parent has a bit more responsibility than that?

There are probably a lot of parents reading the god delusiom to their kids these days and that is scary

at what age can I unlock the nietzsche books from the home library

I think there’s a line - I don’t know where to put it - but there’s a point where it starts becoming teaching kids - for lack of a better word - roleplaying and I think “Skeptical” is a very broad term…

I dont like skeptical. I like curiosity.