Anti Trumpism general

there is no oil in afghanistan. afghans chief export has and will be poppy except when the taliban banned it's production in the early 2,000s just before we invaded. apparently lithium has been found there too and we are trying a speedrun on stripping that from the earth too

i'm sure being near the underbelly of china and russia is something the more realpolitik people in power like as well. there is no plan to leave, there never was, ask people who've been there they will tell you they had no idea what the fuck they were doing there

Right the cia drug trade. W.e same difference.

Bolivia has largest lithium deposits. Just go bomb them

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it's aliens

i'm pretty sure if aliens had a legit reason to be here they wouldn't waste time and would just start glassing us if they wanted to

if that was a giorgio tsoukalis reference you need to attach the appropriate jpg i'm too dumb to pickup on it otherwise

Aliens glassing us would lead to us not harvesting the materials they need without our knowledge

if they're capable of interstellar travel something tells me they could find the resources somewhere else where they don't have to deal with human beings. unless we are the resource a la xcom 2

we could probably be used as biofuel

anyone familiar with the dark forrest theory? pretty spooky

basically says the only reason we can’t find any trace of intelligent life is because they have all been wiped out by some type of predatory civilization, and only the ones that don’t make their presence known survive.

and we started putting out super strong radio signals in the 50s, so maybe in 50,000 years some aliens will show up and strip mine our planet and melt us all down into biofuel

the department of defense recently declassified some stuff that says UFOs are real and they’ve had several encounters that cannot be explained including the laws of physics as we understand them being broken

these videos are fantastic, really well made and really enjoyable to watch. reccomend anyone interested in this type of thing to check them out. even if you’re not they’re still worth watching, this guy makes some of the best content on youtube, his other videos are dope as fuck too.

Earth is special you idiot both in our resources and in our experiences

The aliens harvest both

Think monsters inc for how they harvest experiences

Little too similar to what occurs in entertainment, specifically sports and record signings... and the same people running the show there have friends in finance creating the strife for "the experience"

You are so close to getting it

Lucky Artist and I have been awarded a $250,000 grant from Minister Farrakhan to compound our studies


i have found the root of this theory. i am special and important, even to aliens


“anglo saxon values”

1 term of trump and white nationalism is becoming a mainstream repblican value